With experience in media production and music programming. We have developed most of our skills and visions operating in mainstream radio and designing communication for the hospitality industry, for brands and institutions as well as cultural projects

Since 2012, MOPS (My Own Private Sound) has created music singnatures and media contents for brands, for venues, for institutions, hospitality outlets and even local medias.

To create and update the various soundscapes we design for our clients, we receive contributions from many music lovers around the globe, all professionals in various fields connected to music. They provide us with their latest findings and enrich the collections which gather an array of styles.

In order to inspire and bring quality, choice and specificity to our clients through a variety of contents, we use talents as varied as journalists, voice over comedians, writers, editors, musicians and moreā€¦

Finally our own community managers provide our clients with advice, inspiration but also with a full set of services designed to help them make the most of their radio media.



Silvano Stabile

Media Producer & Host - Cultural & Communications Designer, Silvano started as a radio dj and went on to become a content creator and started his own podcasts in 2009.


Linda Augier

Gareth Zebron

Maatea Stabile

Brand Experience Manager

Multimedia Specialist

Graphic and visual Communication

With a career in hospitality, Linda has specialized in guest experience and brand management and has collaborated with brands in various parts of the globe.

With a background in audio engineering, videography, brand design and web development, Gareth is our multimedia specialist, long collaborator of marketing and publishing organizations.

Visual designer and projects manager, Maatea combines her experience in graphic marketing and brand development.

Music Lovers and StoryTellers